Our Vermont Farm

Heirloom Pork Shop
Our Blue Pig
Our story begins with "Miss Piggy", our first pig in 2011. A year later 2012 we opened our store, the Heirloom Pork Shop with the famous BLUE PIG. Our neighbor Tad, helped design the now famous wooden "Blue Pig" sign.
When arriving at the Leblanc family farm just follow the multiple BLUE PIG signs to our shop!
Cant wait to see you folks here!

LeBlanc Family Farm
Third Generation Farm
LeBlanc Family Farm is nestled on 330 acres of farmland in East Hardwick, Vermont. It is part of the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, neighboring the Lamoille River. Our farm has rich soil, maple trees and forest. Besides our beginnings as a organic dairy farm, we also have Grass-Fed Beef and our pasture raised Vermont Heritage Pigs.

Our Pigs
Vermont Pasture Raised Pigs
Our Heritage Breeds:
Red Wattles, Tamworth, Berkshire, Hampshire, York, Large Black and Durocs
- ABF ( antibiotic free)
- Crate Free
- Pastured on pesticide & herbicide free pasture and forested areas. According to organic standards
- No Growth Enhancers
- No Injected or Fed Hormones
- No Detusking
- No Tail Docking
- No Nose rings
Our pigs are well fed, happy, and breathe fresh Vermont air everyday!
We feed our family knowing that our pork is the best you can buy.

Our Cousin's Maple Syrup
Maple Syrup
The Graham and Witmer Family are our cousin's who have 2,000 maple trees tapped nearby at Wolcott. Check out their products on our website!